Before You Quit

Before You Quit

Latest Episodes

Podcast 135: Leaving the Church of Christ (Pastor Gary Phillips)
July 17, 2024

Most of us are unfamiliar with the Church of Christ. There is one in our town, and from all appearance it looks like any other ordinary church. When you dig into their beliefs, however, there are ser

Podcast 134: A Review of Dr. Rob Reimer’s Soul Care Teaching (Part Two)
July 08, 2024

My cohost, Dan Stegeman and I continue our review of Soul Care Ministry by Dr. Rob Reimer. This podcast comes out of the desire to be discerning. We are instructed in scripture to test everything bein

Podcast 133: A Review of Dr. Rob Reimer’s Soul Care Ministry
July 02, 2024

This podcast comes out of the desire to be discerning. We are instructed in scripture to test everything being taught and compare it to scripture. The apostle John writes, Do not believe every spirit

Podcast 132: Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage (Pastor Dan Samms)
June 18, 2024

More than ever, as society around us devalues marriage, the church needs to respond with biblical conviction. While most statistics indicate that divorce is nearly as high among professing Christians

Episode 131: Church Crisis in Papua (Barry Jordan)
May 18, 2024

I grew up to missionary parents in Papua, Indonesia, formerly, Iran Jaya. My parents served there for thirty-eight years, most of those years with a primitive tribe in the Paniai Lakes region. After W

Podcast Ep.130: The Church and Homosexuality (Jim Domen)
May 08, 2024

How does the church remain strong on its convictions, but convey love? How do parents respond when their adult children come out as homosexual? Do you attend a gay wedding? What do you do when your so

Podcast Ep.129: The 20+ Year Pastor (Pastor Kevin Hurt)
May 03, 2024

We continue our series on the twenty-plus-year pastor. What keeps a pastor serving even when the road gets rough? How does one stay resilient during seasons of little growth, opposition and even disap

Podcast Ep.128: The 20+ Year Pastor (Pastor Milan Dekich)
April 29, 2024

We continue our series on the twenty-plus-year pastor. What keeps a pastor serving even when the road gets rough? How does one stay resilient during seasons of little growth, opposition and even disap

Podcast Ep.127: The 20+ Year Pastor (Chuck Wall)
April 22, 2024

We continue our series on the twenty-plus-year pastor. What keeps a pastor serving even when the road gets rough? How does one stay resilient during seasons of little growth, opposition and even disap

Podcast Ep.126: The 20+ Year Pastor (Mike Franklin)
April 17, 2024

Someone suggested to me recently that I interview pastors who have served in one church for twenty or more years. Great idea, I chimed. Its actually a great subject. Most pastors dont last five year
