Before You Quit

Before You Quit

Podcast 134: A Review of Dr. Rob Reimer’s Soul Care Teaching (Part Two)

July 08, 2024

My cohost, Dan Stegeman and I continue our review of Soul Care Ministry by Dr. Rob Reimer. This podcast comes out of the desire to be discerning. We are instructed in scripture to test everything being taught and compare it to scripture. The apostle John writes, “Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1).

Soul Care is a ministry led by Dr. Rob Reimer which is hugely popular. We have deep concerns over the theology and practice of Soul Care and desire to review it with an open Bible. We are also concerned by the number of people who have been negatively impacted by Soul Care. We do this podcast because we care about the church and believe strongly in the authority of the scriptures to govern life and ministry. We are not attacking an individual, but questioning this individual’s teachings about what experiencing freedom and healing really looks like. 

We hope to receive feedback and even welcome critical responses. You can email me with questions or comments at, or comment in the comment section below this page. 

To listen to the first podcast, click here.

For a full written review I wrote on Dr. Reimer’s Soul Care teaching, click here.

For Mark Barnard’s paper on Reimer’s teaching on demon occupation, click here.

For Testimonies from those who left Soul Care teaching, click here

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