Before You Quit

Before You Quit

Podcast Ep.127: The 20+ Year Pastor (Chuck Wall)

April 22, 2024

We continue our series on the twenty-plus-year pastor. What keeps a pastor serving even when the road gets rough? How does one stay resilient during seasons of little growth, opposition and even disappointments and loss? Have you ever considered that pastoring can be mundane? How do you keep yourself passionate about preaching and shepherding? What a joy it was to interview pastor Chuck Wall, who has served in one church for …drum roll…. 34 years.

By the mercy of God – Chuck grew up in a godly home and has been a part of the C&MA all his life.  He received a B.S. from Columbia Bible College (now Columbia International University) with some additional classes after graduation.  Began ministry in Lexington, SC for 8 years and has been serving in Statesville, NC for 34+ years.  He has been happily married to Denise for 45 years.  They are the grateful and joyful parents of 5 children (and their spouses) and 11 grandchildren ( & 1 more next month).  He loves to teach and unpack the truths of God’s Word because it is through God’s Word that we are instructed in how to know and walk with the Lord in every aspect of our lives.  Therefore, the study, understanding and applying of the Bible is paramount in the Christian’s and the Church’s life.  One of his favorite verses is 2 Corinthians 3:5 – “Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy come from God.” 

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