Before You Quit
Podcast Ep.125: The Corporate Church (Mark Barnard)
In this podcast I interview author Mark Barnard on his book, The Corporate Church; Why We Need to Get Our House in Order. We live in a very individualistic time, where we fail to see God’s relationship to us as a corporate body. Many churches are hurting because they don’t understand what is causing their pain.
The Corporate Church explores God’s relationship with Israel and how it shapes His relationship with the Body of Christ. On the surface, that objective seems mundane. Yet rediscovering how God views His people corporately radically changes how we view our church, denomination, or Christian organization. Seeing God’s people from God’s perspective completely shifts popular notions of church health and revival. It recalibrates the balance between our individualistic culture and the Church’s collective identity. A corporate perspective fosters a fundamental transformation in the way we think about and “do” church.
Mark founded Blessing Point Ministries which works to enhance the fruitfulness of healthier ministries and heal wounded congregations. He authored several books related to church health. His latest title, Screwtape versus The Church, explores the nature of corporate spiritual warfare. Mark is a father, grand father and husband of over 30 years. You can learn more
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