Before You Quit
Podcast Ep.122: Working Out Your Salvation, what it really means (Rev. John Fogal)
It was AW Tozer who wrote that “what we think about God, is the most important thing about us.” Paul in 1 Timothy 4:16 tells Timothy to, “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” What we believe, matters. What we believe about doctrine and theology determines how we live. I had the joy of sitting down with Pastor John W. Fogal to talk about this from his new booklet, Work Out Your Salvation, Because it is God Working in You. We often think of doctrine as mere ascent, stuff we adhere to, teach about and preach on. But, have you considered how without doctrine, we would not know how to live? Thankfully, we have been given by Jesus direction on how to live this life for him and his glory. He is the one working his life in and through us. What an exciting thing, or as John says, IT’S A BIG DEAL! And it is. I know by listening to this podcast you will be motivated to cling to Jesus, by understanding better this great salvation he has given us and the implication to our very lives.
John W. Fogal lives in Ft. Wayne, IN. He pastored for twenty years and served as a district superintendent with the Christian and Missionary Alliance for 18 years. He has also served as a coach for pastors and churches. John is also the author of Living The Beatitudes.
To order his book, WORK OUT YOUR SALVATION click here.
To order his book, LIVING THE BEATITUDES, click here.
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