Before You Quit

Before You Quit

Podcast Ep.114: The Church Planters Marriage (Bryan and Kandice Halferty)

October 31, 2023

The pressures on pastors, particularly for church planters, is not just in ministry, but also in the home. I had the wonderful privilege of interviewing pastor, Bryan Halferty and his wife, Kandice, for this BYQ podcast. Bryan and Kandice live with their family in Tacoma, Washington. Additionally Bryan regularly breaks his body skateboarding, works closely with church planters, and serves as the Lead Pastor of Anchor Church (C&MA). You can find him on both Instagram and Substack at @bryanhalferty. Kandice is a photographer and is completing studies in counseling and spiritual direction.

You can check out Bryan’s church here.

For the article in reference during this podcast, THE LION AND THE PIT go here.

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