Father Ryan Higdon

Father Ryan Higdon

Latest Episodes

May 02, 2016

Lowering ours and finding Mercy meeting misery.

What is Love?
April 24, 2016

Love found in World War II

Christian Joy
April 19, 2016

Do you have it or are you just pretending?

Charcoal Companionship
April 11, 2016

Parent teacher conferences & awful memories..

Divine Mercy
April 04, 2016

Remain in His side...

Cheers, Jeers, & Tears
March 20, 2016

Never abandoning the truth of mercy despite the cheers & Jeers

Peer Pressure
March 08, 2016

Daily Homily on Peer Pressure

Good Gardener
February 29, 2016

Leaving the "Cone of Shame" behind

No File for That
February 21, 2016

Confusion, mystery, and women...

Relationship Goals
February 14, 2016

Christs road without shortcuts