Father Ryan Higdon

Father Ryan Higdon

Latest Episodes

[Discipleship] Encountering a Love Story
August 31, 2017

The love story & plot twist that is Christ.

Watered Ground
August 21, 2017

Warning: You should be a good space emotionally before listening to this homily. Its a bit heavy.

Able, Ready, & Willing
August 15, 2017

Not what we'd expect.

Prayers Please :)
June 23, 2017

A small request :)

Knowable Mystery
June 14, 2017

An unsatisfactory attempt to dive into what is infinitely knowable. :)

Negotiating the Past
May 29, 2017

You can't negotiate with the past but you can forgive it.

May 07, 2017

  This Sunday I take some time and talk about how we can cut through all the noise and distortions of the world to hear the voice of God in our lives.

Rally Cap Sunday
April 30, 2017

Digging Deep and turning to Christ

Being Thomas
April 25, 2017

Being Thomas & accepting him among us.

Easter Familiarity
April 16, 2017

An Easter Morning Homily!