Before You Continue

Before You Continue

Latest Episodes

Episode 7: A Poetry Assignment
December 14, 2017

Reading poetry is something that not a lot of people do with their free time. It's understandable since most people's introduction to poetry was probably ...

Episode 6: Things We All Do
December 04, 2017

On the behalf of all my professors and lecturer, I ranted a bit about people talking during lecture. But the bigger question is, why do ...

Episode 5: Rate Me, 1 to 5 Stars
November 30, 2017

If you haven't seen the TV series Black Mirror, you're missing out. This episode is inspired by one concept from that show. What if you ...

Episode 4: The Flipped Classroom
November 22, 2017

Several sources pointed to the effectiveness of the flipped classroom, but it still remains unpopular. Why is that? In this episode, we take a look at ...

Episode 3: The Premed Funnel
November 12, 2017

What's the biggest obstacle to becoming a doctor? Residency? Medical school? One theory may surprise you. What approach do we take when we select the ...

Episode 2: Materialist/Minimalist
November 05, 2017

Minimalism is a new, global, lifestyle movement that revolves around focusing on the things that are important to you. But what if you're a materialist ...

Episode 1: Undergraduate Years
October 29, 2017

The United State treats medical school, law school, dental school, and other forms of professional school as graduate schools, that is, they require the students ...

Episode 0: Before You Continue
October 23, 2017

Before You Continue to med school, grad school, work, or take that next big step, here is some food for thoughts. I hope to provide ...