Be Fit 2 Sit Podcast

Episode 12 Energy boosting, Strain relieving Exercise breaks for Working & Learning from home
Listen into Episode 12 of the Be Fit 2 Sit Podcast for quick & easy Energy boosting & strain relieving exercise breaks to keep you healthy while working & learning from home.
So many stiff, sore and sluggish bodies limped into see me in the clinic after last lockdown…
Workers and Students who had been thrust into a more sedentary lifestyle by having their daily movement restricted greatly.
More time on the couch and moving from room to room rather than out and about resulted in physical and mental health issues.
Their ranged from feeling tight and tense in areas like their back, neck and shoulders, to more chronic and complex problems like overuse injuries, debilitating headaches and weight gain.
It really does require being MORE INTENTIONAL about scheduling a little movement into our daily routine- a little more often than usual- and this episode shares more about why and how we can do so.
The key is to keep our metabolic rate up, with a minimum of 2 minutes of movement, every half hour while we’re sitting for adults.
And what about our kids? Kym shares some guidelines about making age- appropriate decisions about how often you might like to fit in mini movement breaks for youngsters.
Plus, there’s inspiration for loads of fun and easy to do at home exercise breaks for all the family members.
From action stories, to desk exercises, to dance breaks and rhythms… you’re guaranteed to find something that injects some fun into your household!
Make sure you follow @workstationwellnessphysio on facebook or Kym Siddons Physio on LinkedIn for demonstrations of fun and active brain and body breaks you can use while you work or learn at home!
You can also access my best 4 Desk exercises on the home page of the Kym Siddons Physio Website