Be Fit 2 Sit Podcast

Episode 11 Thriving in a Screen Intensive World with Dr Liz Kirk
Episode 11 of the ‘Be Fit 2 Sit Podcast’ hosts our first guest, Dr Elizabeth (Liz) Kirk.
Liz has done loads of groundbreaking research in workstation Ergonomics and is the founder of ‘Beyond Ergo’.
Physio Kym and Liz discuss ways you can you can thrive in our screen intensive world…
In particular, how Personal Protective Behaviours- ‘PPB’s’ are just as important as PPE (personal Protective Equipment) when it comes to feeling and functioning your best at your desk, and beyond!
This applies to developing healthy and meaningful PPB’s when using screens and different workstations, so they really benefits YOU, personally!
Liz shares tips that translate ergonomic recommendations into practical tactics that we can all easily apply to situations involving screen use, as we develop our toolkit of peronal protective behaviours.
She provides great examples of tactics to implement at our desk, such as setting your monitor or laptop screen to the best height to suit your body.
We discuss some surprising problems people have faced when working or studying from home, and the personal protective behaviours that can help deal with these situations…
Along with some simple ‘tactics’ to use to help reduce strain on your body when using your phone or reading documents.
Liz also shares her favourite ‘tactic’ for reducing eye strain and dry eyes while we use screens.
There’s so much goodness in this episode, so make sure you take a listen and supercharge your PPB’s!
As promised, Liz has generously shared links to her FREE resources
Moving Home Checklist –
Free Mini Self-Care Workshop –
You can find out more about Liz and contact her through
Kym also offers her ‘Best Desk Exercises to feel your best at your desk’ FREE