Beer'd Gamers

Beer'd Gamers

Latest Episodes

Schnell Reads the Rules: The Captain is Dead
May 30, 2018

We're back with another "Schnell Reads the Rules" edition of Beer'd Gamers this week.  We'll be meeting up over the weekend to get some new game content recorded (FINALLY!!), but we still wanted to get this out to our audience, as it gives a preview of o.

Shadows Over Camelot
December 14, 2017

What's that?  Who are we that can summon beer and comedy without brewing or comedy experience?  There are some who call us....The Beer'd Gamers.Now that ...

Starfarers of Catan
December 07, 2017

Have you ever traveled through space minding your own business only to be attacked by space pirates?  Or how about being stopped by a merchant ...

Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre
November 30, 2017

A fight to the death in an epic spell war.  Beers foaming out of bottles because Schnell can't drink good.  Nelson catches the plague.  What ...

Betrayal at Baldur’s Gate
November 23, 2017

Four adventurers set out on a quest to rid the city of Baldur's Gate of the evil that plagues it.  Will the evil lurking in ...

November 19, 2017

Musty dungeons, twisting corridors, rival mages, and…….glittery beams?  Today’s episode sees us playing through the four-player competitive game Wiz-War, a game that proved to be a ...

October 25, 2017

Panic, sickness, disease, and death grip the earth.  A new and seemingly unstoppable disease has broken out, and the fate of the world rests on ...

Evolution: Climate
October 24, 2017

This episode sees us playing through the game Evolution, with the Climate expansion.  Evolution sees its players create and adapt species to an ever-changing climate.  Food can be abundant or ...