Becoming A Yogi

Becoming A Yogi

Latest Episodes

Exploring the new science of yoga with Eddie Stern | Episode 5
March 19, 2019

On this episode, Jamez sits down with Eddie Stern the founder of Ashtanga Yoga New York. They discuss Eddie's journey to discover yoga, his 30 years in the industry, what it means to be a yogi and his new book One Simple Thing: A New Look at The...

Yoga + CBD
February 13, 2019

With Christian Lepore

Becoming A Yogi With Jamez Baulding
January 07, 2019

Yoga is becoming more and more popular. In fact, 36 million Americans practice yoga. But how do you know when yoga has become a way of life for you?  There are a lot of people practicing yoga today but who do not understand what it means to be a...