Becker Women's Leadership Podcast

Latest Episodes
Bank of America Warns That The Fed Will Put Us in a Spot with Real Pain 3-2-23
In this episode Scott Becker discusses the Bank of America warning that the Fed will put consumers and businesses in a position where they feal real economic pain.
To Teach is To Learn 3-2-23
In this episode Scott Becker discusses how the best way to fully learn something is to teach it.
Sticking to Your Core 3-2-23
In this episode Scott Becker discusses the importance of a business knowing its core business and doubling down on it.
3 Stocks that are Moving Today 3-2-23
In this episode Scott Becker discusses the following stocks: Salesforce Tesla Silvergate
Putting People in the Right Place to Succeed 3-1-23
In this episode Scott Becker discusses the importance of putting employees in the right position or job to succeed.
Customer Communication 3-1-23
In this episode Scott Becker discusses the importance of constant customer communication and responsiveness.
‘What to Ask’ with Andrea Belk Olson, CEO, Applied Behavioral Scientist, Pragmadik 3-1-23
This episode features Andrea Belk Olson, CEO, Applied Behavioral Scientist, Pragmadik, & Host, "The Customer Mission Podcast". Here, she discusses her book, What to Ask - a concise approach for spott
Sales VS Execution 3-1-23
In this episode Scott Becker discusses the concept of Sales vs Execution. He dives into the importance of a company being great at both sales and delivering on promises offered to their clients during
Top Stories We Are Following Today 3-1-23
In this episode Scott Becker discusses: Futures point up this AM for the first time in what seems like a while. Markets fell yesterday with the Dow down .70%, the Nasdaq down .10%, and the S&P 500
Seven Key Points from Berkshire Hathaway’s Recently Released Reports 2-27-23
In this episode, Scott discusses seven key points about Berkshire Hathaway's recently released reports.