Ask The Beauty Advisor's Podcast

Ask The Beauty Advisor's Podcast

Getting Your Antixoidants

December 22, 2016

Our bodies contain trillions of cells, each of which is under constant threat of nasty and toxic chemicals called free radicals. Free radicals are oxidized particles that wreak havoc inside our cells. The damage they cause can contribute to cancer, loss of vision, heart disease, cataracts, memory loss and premature effects of aging. Some free radicals are produced in our bodies as a result of natural functions, such as digestion of food. Others come from the air we breathe, sunlight entering the body through the skin and eyes, the food we eat and even as a byproduct of exercise. We can’t avoid them. But what we can do is protect and strengthen our cells with free radical scavengers called antioxidants. These particles neutralize and detoxify free radicals so that they can’t cause harm to the cells. It so happens that our bodies themselves make antioxidants, but we also need to consume them in our diets in order to have enough to get the job done. sign up for the newsletter