Musings Podcast

Musings Podcast

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May 19, 2022

Your mental health can not be taken for granted or ignored. It is the master key to experiencing peace, joy, and accomplishment. - Similar: Why Growth Mindset Matters

Why Growth Mindset Matters
April 20, 2022

There are different types of mindsets that can help in nurturing or hurting our well-being - Similar: WHY A POSITIVE ATTITUDE IS POWERFUL

April 13, 2022

A positive attitude helps improve your health and strengthen your relationships, as well as increasing your chances of success and longevity. - Similar: Why Comparison Is A Killer

Why Comparison Is A Killer
April 06, 2022

There will always be someone who is prospering more than you in life. There will always be someone more talented than you, and nothing you can do about that. When you engage in comparison, you jeopard

How To Be An Effective Encourager
April 05, 2022

People struggle and give up, not as a result of hardships but simply because they do not get encouragement from those dear to them. - Similar: Tips On How To Handle Rejection

Tips On How To Handle Rejection
March 26, 2022

Unaddressed rejection hurts us to the core, sabotaging our mental, emotional and spiritual health. The weight of rejection brings down our self-esteem, sabotaging our purpose in life. - Similar: Why A

Why Asking For Help Is Not A Sign of Weakness
March 22, 2022

It is essential to admit that you do not know everything. Knowing when to ask for help is a sign of strength. It is one of the most challenging things for most people; when you do it, you demonstrate

4 Tips On How To Get Motivated To Accomplish Something
March 17, 2022

Lack of motivation holds us back from success. Motivation is the energy that keeps us moving toward reaching our goals and dreams. It requires discipline and consistency. - Similar: 4 Ways to Encourag

4 Ways to Encourage Yourself
March 16, 2022

Discouragement is inevitable. It steals your joy and hope, bringing in stress, frustration, and sadness. Developing strategies to deal with it is crucial. - Similar: Do You Self Sabotage?

Do You Self Sabotage?
March 10, 2022

Self - Sabotage is an attack on our growth and wellbeing. It mirrors attitudes or behavior that are not aligned with our values and interferes with our ability to achieve our goals. Challenging your t