Musings Podcast

Musings Podcast

How to Safe Guard Your Time: 3 Ways to Set Solid Boundaries

April 04, 2024

It’s easy and tempting to get caught up in unimportant tasks. We encounter many distractions and duties that waste our time.

It is advisable to create boundaries around less important tasks and create time to work on the highly important tasks.

We need to get brutal with our time.

When we get interrupted it will take up between 25 – 30 minutes to refocus. It is also most likely you might not get back to task because one interruption leads to another.

How to Safe Guard Your Time: 3 Ways to Set Solid Boundaries

  1. Identify people who drain you and reduce the frequency of the time you spend with them. Intentionally set boundaries to safeguard your time and energy.
  2. Be responsible for enforcing healthy boundaries and diligently guard them from violators. You must protect your time and energy.
  3. Learn to say no. When presented with a request that you don’t have time for do not be tempted to say yes instead of no. It will lead to resentment which is not good for your mental health.

Comprehension of the value of what you can achieve with your time within your day permits you to assess whether an additional new workload on your plate is worthwhile.

Effective time management enables us to achieve more in less time, and also reduce stress, improve the balance between work, and life balance, and enable overall wellbeing.