Be Plus Podcast
Episode 1: Introduction, and shaming the shamer
The Be Plus Podcast is focused on the body positive movement. After years of struggling with body image, through weight loss and weight gain, Be Plus host Bailey wanted to make a change. She wanted to change her mindset. She wants to learn to love herself. She wants to be comfortable in the body she has, right now and forever.
And she wants others to feel the same way.
In this episode, Bailey shares her personal journey with body image.
In the second half of the show, Bailey chats with registered dietician Abby Langer about Nicole Arbour's video "Dear Fat People." After the video was posted to YouTube, Abby wrote a piece for Huffington Post Canada called A Dietitian's Response to Nicole Arbour's 'Dear Fat People.' They talk about fat-shaming, why it doesn't actually encourage people to lose weight, and why the number on the scale doesn't really matter.
You can find Abby on Twitter at @LangerNutrition and on her website,