The BBQ Central Show

October 4, 2016 – Official Archive
On the show tonight:
– After a month away, it’s time to take a vist to the BBQ Doctor’s office. Ray Lampe joins me in his normal spot to talk about what’s happening in the world of BBQ
– Mike McCloud from MMA Creative and creator of theWorld Food Championships joins me to go over this past Sam’s Club season and look ahead to the WFC.
– Sterling Ball from Big Poppa Smokers joins me to talk about his 2016 season so far and how he is gearing up to cook the Jack Daniels World Chmpionship BBQ Cook-Off this month.
– Helping me close the show is the 2016 Sam’s Club national champ, Darren Warth from Iowa’s Smokey D’s. Darren will refresh us on his path to Bentonville and how the cook went for the team.
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The BBQ Central Show makes news in Cleveland!