The BBQ Central Show

June 7, 2016 – Official Archive
On the show tonight:
– The first Tuesday of the month means we get our monthly visit from Dr. BBQ. Ray Lampe will discuss and heal all of our BBQ ills!
– This past weekend, I had an occasion to meet up with the editor of Texas Monthly, Daniel Vaughn. He was in town on some business (and pleasure) so we met up at a west-side BBQ joint to review it. Cleveland has had 2 very notable openings in the past month and a half…get his take on C-Town and the state of our BBQ!
– Jess Pryles, The Hardcore Carnivore, joins me for the first time to talk about a number of BBQ and Grilling topics. We will also discuss her “BLACK” rub that is supposed to go well with BEEF!
– Creator of the Grilla, Mark Graham and friend of the show, Shane Draper, stop by to help me close the show. We will catch up on the flagship product “The Grilla” and learn about 2 new cookers they have added to their offerings portfolio.
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Call-In: 216-220-0966
Skype: bbq4you
The BBQ Guru
Big Poppa Smokers
Butchers BBQ