The BBQ Central Show

Hot Take: Elaine Cooks; Gordon Thompson of Engine 2 BBQ
(October 1, 2024 - Hour Two)
10:35pm - Coming out of the bullpen tonight is the pitmaster of Engine 2 BBQ Team and the winner of the 10th Annual Hartville Hardware Grillfest, Gordon Thompson. Gordon is not only an accomplished regional cook, he's been doing other events as well and we'll talk about it all tonight!
The BBQ Central Show Sponsors
Schwank Grills - Use Code BBQCENTRAL for $150 off!
Pitts & Spitts BBQ Pits - Use "charcoalcentral" at checkout for $150 Off Charcoal Grills
Big Poppa Smokers – Use promo code “REMPE” for $10 off your purchase of $50 or more!
Famous Dave’s All Star BBQ Series
The Butcher Shoppe - Save 10% When You Mention "The BBQ Central Show"
JRE Tobacco – Makers of the Aladino (and other) line of premium cigars!
Micallef Cigars – Premium Hand Rolled Cigars