The BBQ Central Show
What Happened At The 2023 American Royal Open
(November 7, 2023 - Hour One)
9:14pm & 9:35pm - In the first hour tonight I will be joined by the CEO of the Kansas City Barbeque Society, Rod Gray. About 5 weeks ago, there was a scoring issue during the American Royal competition that was unlike any other in the history of KCBS competition BBQ. Wrong winners were announced, places up and down the list adjusted and teams want to know what happened, why it happened and what is being done to ensure that this won't happen again, not only at this event, but at all other competitions across the country. Yes, there have been other interviews with Rod over the past few weeks but there were very important questions that were left unasked for whatever reason. Tonight, we make the time to dig into the most important questions and see if answers will be given. I hope you take the time to tune in live tonight and listen for yourself.
The BBQ Central Show Sponsors
Pitts & Spitts BBQ Pits - Use "charcoalcentral" at checkout for $150 Off Charcoal Grills
Big Poppa Smokers – Use promo code “REMPE” for $10 off your purchase of $50 or more!
The Butcher Shoppe - Save 10% When You Mention "The BBQ Central Show"
JRE Tobacco – Makers of the Aladino (and other) line of premium cigars!