Buddha at the Gas Pump

Buddha at the Gas Pump

552. Lars Muhl

June 03, 2020

Lars Muhl is a Danish author, mystic, and musician, born in Aarhus, Denmark in 1950.
Already as a 10-year-old, Lars Muhl had experienced glimpses of another reality. The shock following the sudden death of his younger sister, caused painful kundalini-like experiences, giving access to the ethereal worlds and a hypersensitive insight into other people’s pain. This lasted for three years.
A turning point came when Lars was 15 and received a book anonymously in the post. Hazrat Inayat Khan’s ‘Gayan Vadan Nirtan’ became the start of a lifelong esoteric study.
Like Paulo Coelho, Lars was for many years a successful singer/songwriter who, concurrently with his music, studied the world’s religions and esoteric knowledge. Then in 1996, he was struck down by an unexplained illness, which neither doctors nor alternative therapists could diagnose. For three years he lay in bed without being able to move or think straight.
Through a close friend’s intervention, Lars was put in touch with a seer who, via the telephone, brought him back to life. That was the start of a completely new existence and the beginning of that quest he has so grippingly described in his trilogy book ‘The O Manuscript: The Seer, The Magdalene, The Grail’.
Other books:

* The Gate of Light: Healing Practices to Connect You to Source Energy
* The Law of Light: The Secret Teachings of Jesus
* The Law of Light: The Aramaic Mystery

Movie Lars referred to during the interview: The Gate of Light by Lars Muhl
Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.
Interview recorded May 30, 2020
Video and audio below. Audio also available as a Podcast.