Bass Conversations Podcast

Bass Conversations Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 0005 - New Walking Bass Courses
June 20, 2019

New Release - Walking Bass Courses from Walkin' The Blues - Amazing what a few well structured bass lessons can do. https://courses.constructingwalkingjazzbasslines.

Bass Conversations Episode 0003 How to construct walking bass lines using simple devices, Listening to the Masters, The jazz bucket list continues
May 15, 2019 Bass Conversations Episode 0003

Bass Conversations Episode 0002 Transcribing, how to construct walking bass lines, the jazz album bucket list
April 19, 2019

Transcribing, how to construct walking bass lines, and the jazz album bucket list. Views on these topics and more with Steven Mooney from Constructing Walking Jazz Bass Lines

Bass Conversations
April 04, 2019

Bass Conversations with Jazz Bassist Steven Mooney of Constructing Walking Jazz Bass Lines Music related sessions for players of all ages and levels. Introduction Episode includes topics - Developing  a strategy to make progress, Hitting the wall,
