BareNaked Health Podcast

BareNaked Health Podcast

Latest Episodes

Birthfit to Strongman with Lindsey Mathews
April 19, 2018

This was a podcast that was an absolute blast to record. Dr. Lindsey Mathews and I had a chance to go back and forth asking each other questions and diving and and learning more about each other. The best part … Continued

Good Deposits on Relationships and Strongman Mike Battaglino
April 18, 2018

Being a fan of all things strongman it was hard to not come across Mike Battaglino. It was certainly a pleasure to talk to him about strength athletics and I also loved that he dove into so much more about … Continued

What legacy are you creating
April 11, 2018


Mushrooms and a Healthy Life with Jeff Chilton
April 09, 2018

Over the last year I’ve had the pleasure of hearing Jeff on a few podcasts and was excited to get to talk about him about mushrooms and health in general. About 2 days before we talked I knew this was … Continued

Move More to improve your Movement
March 23, 2018