BareNaked Health Podcast

BareNaked Health Podcast

Mirrors of Each other and the Seven Diaphragms with Amanda Patti

January 13, 2016

Here is another episode that really got me looking back at myself and I’m sure you’ll also do the same after listening.
Amanda does a great job of showing how we can all reflect on what we are doing and being mindful during any practice. It was very interesting to note how emotional she becomes even during workout sessions.  Of course, let’s not forget the topic of diaphragms. Most people know about the one in your abdomen that is important for breathing. What do you know about your arches, your palate or the galaxy?
You’ll have to check out the episode with so much more thanks to Amanda.
Click HERE to hear the answer to Amanda's – One NON-Negotiable Health Habit
Amanda’s Links:

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