BareNaked Health Podcast

BareNaked Health Podcast

The Grind is Life – Embrace It – with Michael Van den Bossche ‘MVBD’

December 30, 2015

A few weeks ago MVDB and I connected and it was like lightning had struck.
We talked easily for 15 minutes that would have made a great show in and of itself. This time we hit the record button and got down to the simple things in life that make him smile. It was amazing how MVDB opened up about everything from his training, to daily routines and even a love of his from Colombia.
Here is where he learned all his dance moves so cue the salsa music and check out the episode to see what other gems he shares.
Click HERE to hear the answer to Michael’s – One NON-Negotiable Health Habit
MVDB’s Links:

Links Mentioned:
Eric Wong
Myers Briggs Test