BannedCast Movie Trash

BannedCast Movie Trash

14 – Dogtown and Z-Boys 2001

December 30, 2019

DB and Jared discuss the documentary Dogtown and Z-Boys while Erin is away in Ireland chasing leprechauns and shamrocks. That’s at least our understanding of what she’s doing over there, although our understanding of Irish culture is admittedly derived mostly from Lucky Charms commercials. Anyway, you’ll hear our take on this companion piece to Lords of Dogtown and hear some interesting LA history as well as some gripes about Lords of Dogtown’s surprising dearth of Asian characters. 

Listen to BannedCast Movie Trash for reviews and discussions of the movies you love, movies you've forgotten, and movies you may have overlooked. Brought to you by BannedCast! 

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Lucky Boys Confusion “Stormchaser” Used with permission. © Lucky Boys Confusion Music