The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

7 Things I learned Doing Season 1 of Bangin' Your Business - BYB039

December 30, 2015

Corbin Links here, with a very special "just me" episode today.
Today's show marks the end of "Season 1," and a new beginning for the next phase of the show. We're just going to chat today. No special segments, music, fanfare or copyright notices. Just you and me. But stay tuned for a big announcement at the end.
First, I'd like to share 7 things I learned doing Season 1 of this show—39 full episodes in all.
As many of you know, podcasting and I go way back to late 2005. During that time, I've had the honor and pleasure of hosting several fun, interesting, and educational shows. *Bangin' Your Business* continues that tradition.
And with each new show, there is something BRAND new to learn. Literally with each and every episode. Learning, sharing, and feedback, helping others, and the opportunity to meet great people help make it all worthwhile.
Many of my coaching and consulting clients are starting to podcast, considering it, or asking me about it. For them, and for you the listener who may be considering picking up the mic, this show's for you. If you're looking for the "how" of setting up a podcast from scratch there are some brilliant and complete tutorials out there. Will have at least one in the show notes.
Instead, this is more of a "lessons learned" episode, from a coaching / consulting perspective. If that's you—or a future version of you—then you're in the right place.