The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

How to Craft an Effective Business Case Study – BYB033

November 18, 2015
Do you have case studies in your portfolio? Have you ever found them challenging or time-consuming? Wondering if they're worth the time and investment?
As coaches and consultants, client success stories and case studies are important parts of our portfolios. And recent studies show that studies do matter, and are read by decision makers, especially when working with business to business industries. But what to do about them? Is there a correct or "best way?" I'm going tackle those questions and more in today's feature segment.
Is it possible to just eat and drink whatever you want, and still live to 100 or more? If so, is it a good idea? I still have people who mail me about someone who ate bacon for a 100 years, or drank a gallon of whiskey a day for decades without problem, or smoked cigarettes into their 90's. This idea comes up a lot, usually to counter any suggestions of healthy / nutritious living. I have a few thoughts about that topic and will attempt to point out a few other things to consider for planning your turbo-boosted productivity.
And speaking of productivity, it's "productivity insurance" time, with my favorite tool for protecting productivity in the event of computer loss or downtime. This has saved me literally 2+ full days already, and is worth considering to protect your data, business, and livelihood.
B-I-G show! Let's get to it!