The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

How to Do Big Projects Using Little or No Budget - BYB031

November 04, 2015

Do you work for an organization that's big on projects and dreams, but short on budget? Find it hard to get your projects done?
Or, maybe you're a consultant or coach who is constantly contacted by firms wanting to make an employee of you, but without the packages or incentives?
This is an increasingly common trend; trying to do gigantic projects on little or no budget. In today's feature segment, I'll share 8 strategies for the budget-strapped enterprise to address the "need a project, but have insufficient funds" challenge.
What diet do you follow? What plan should I be on? A few questions about this recently and I'll share a few thoughts on diet camps, "wars", and a sound strategy that works well with *any* of them.
In today's bangin' your productivity segment, we're back to shiny tools! This has bee my go-to mail tool for the past 3 years now, though I've tried countless others. This is the mainstay and I'll share 5 big reasons why you may want to try it for your self.
Lots to talk about today, so let's get to it!