The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

If You Want to Rise, Do the Difficult - BYB023

September 09, 2015
Lots of questions recently from coaches and consultants wanting to fast-track their rates and image. One thing we haven't discussed much is a sure-fired way to achieve stature, and quickly. It's not easy——and to be honest, it can backfire. But it's so so worth it in my experience and we'll chat that one up today.
In the Bangin' Your Health segment, I'm making good on something I mentioned way way way back in episode 1 or 2 about detoxing. yep, we're going to "cleanse our detox" today and find out why so many big-name celebrities and health "gurus" always seem to be cleansing, or "rebooting".
Cleansing, cleansing, cleansing. But is constant cleansing even a good idea? Are there better options instead? Let's find out.
And we're going to bang on your productivity with Claude Monet, the famous artist. What? An artist you say in the middle of our productivity discussion?
Yep. Fascinating man and he has a thing or three to teach us tech-inclined folks about productivity.
I'm pumped to chat this stuff with you so let's get rolling!