The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

Hacking Your Productivity With The Time Management Chef - BYB016

July 08, 2015

Full show notes:
What if I told you that you could increase your productivity 200% or more? ... Yes, really!
Or master a challenging skill like getting a black belt in taekwondo in 1 or 2 years less than average, but with even fewer training sessions?
Or on the consulting front, how about delivering more client value in less time, and with far fewer distractions?
Well these are all possible and much more. And in today's feature segment I'm super pumped to be joined by special guest Tor Refsland, the time management chef!
Let's go!
[Exclusively for Bangin' Your Business Listeners: Tor has an exclusive gift for you. I encourage you to grab it before he changes his mind. I can't believe he's giving away this much productivity-boosting power!]