The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

7 Steps to Owning Your Own Consulting Business - BYB012

June 10, 2015

Are you ready to take off on your own and build an independent consulting or professional services business?
Feeling a bit overwhelmed, or conflicted by too many different opinions on what to do or how to do it?
Do you get distracted by those shiny objects, such as new classes, tools, websites, and shiny widgets? 
Maybe you're mired in busy work and realizing that the clients and profits just aren't materializing the way you'd hoped?
I've been there too more than once. And if any of this sounds familiar, you're in the right place. This episode dives into the 7 (and yes, ONLY 7) physical things standing between you and your new professional services business. That's today's feature segment.
We're going to bang your health this week with Key #6 of the 7 Keys to High Performance Health.
With health and business underway, it will be time to bang on some productivity with my take on the ultra-popular "morning ritual" or "morning routine topic."
Tons of stuff to cover so let's get to it!