The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

Mind Hacking Your Way to Peak Performance - BYB010

May 27, 2015

What if you could switch your mind on and off between a super or "root-level" user mode and functional task mode at will? Suddenly, the phrase "you're not what you think" takes on new meaning.
Or, maybe like me you're a pragmatic person and frustrated with all of the woo-woo self-help stuff out there with yoga in the wilderness, mountaintops or thumbs-up? How about actual step-by-step plans to transform your mind and your life?
Fortunately for all of us, someone has finally written an owner's manual for the mind. And it's called "Mind Hacking." I'm SUPER pumped to be joined today with special guest "Sir" John Hargrave....
Hope you have pen and paper handy. Or, if you're running or driving, get that audio note-taker ready because there are massive buckets of productivity and life boosting nuggets coming your way today!

* What is this new science of "Mind Hacking" and what can it do for your health, life, business, and productivity?
Your thoughts are not you!* Why you are *not* what you think.
Need to beat an addiction? Here's how Sir John did it...
What the secret service and fake credit cards can teach us about massive life transformation...
Is it possible to switch your mind into "super user" mode and control your conscious mind?
Can the mind be debugged, just like a computer program?
Can "negative thought loops" just be commented out (or deleted) of your mind's computer program?
How to form (or re-form) productive, life-boosting habits.
* How to hack your identity (in a good way!)
* How a new type of publishing tool is changing the way books are written and published.
Why "open source" and commercial / paid book deals are no longer mutually-exclusive.
How many items should be on your daily to-do list? (Hint: the number is much smaller than you think...)
What app can you use——right now, _today_——to change your mind, habits, behaviors, and performance? (Hint: a 21-day challenge is involved...)
And lots more!