The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

Business Tasks: DIY, Delegate, or Automate? - BYB009

May 20, 2015

You're busy busy busy busy...SO much to do!
Home, work, friends, life, and "other".
You know you should delegate, and outsource, and probably automate more, but how? where? when? why?  
We ALL struggle with this. I'll share some lessons learned from our business and from automating a lot of big client environments.  
Our health journey continues with Key #4 in our 7 Keys to High-Performance health. It's an easy, free, yet massively beneficial tactic to work into your daily routine.  
And with healthy bodies and automated business tasks, wouldn't it be great to power up our productivity just another wee notch or two? Well stick around after the feature segment and we'll do just that.