The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

Un-Masterminding, Unlearning and Trusting in Yourself - BYB001

March 30, 2015

Ever get advice that sounded good at the time, but realized later that "hey! that took me off course!" Ever wish you'd just listened to yourself and taken your own advice? Trusted your gut? I made the mistake of not trusting my gut recently. BIG Mistake! We'll talk about how my mistake can help YOUR business.
In the "Bangin' Your Questions" segment, I give Jamie the lowdown on starting nutrition career.
In the productivity tool segment, I'll share what's been keeping all my crazy lists together lately.
And since this is brand spankin' new show, I'll share a bit of my background as well.
Stick around, we have a LOT to catch up on as we FIRE UP a new season of Bangin' Your Business!