The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

8 Ways to Differentiate Your Consulting or Coaching Services - CLS006

January 27, 2016
Ever feel like you're just one business in the sea of thousands of similar ones? Millions of similar ones? Why would someone pick you? How would they find you? How does your own unique blend of services---delivered only the way YOU can delivery them---really stand out?
If any of this sounds familiar, you're in the right seat. Polls consistently show that differentiation, or "standing out in a crowded, highly competitive market place" is a top business concern.
Trying to stand out, or explain your uniqueness can be daunting---if you don't have the formula. Well, today's show is here to put an end to generic business labels! You're unique, you have something unique, and NO ONE else can deliver what you do quite the way you do. That's what customers and clients need to understand to buy from you, and that's what we're going to tackle.
You'll learn 8 field tested, battle-hardened ways to differentiate your consulting, coaching, or any services-based business. So what do you say we get started?