Band Wives

Band Wives

Band Wives Episode 19: Marie Trohman: Living By Design, City-Hopping + Giving All Or Nothing

November 16, 2022

Chondra and Misha are back this week with startlingly talented and hilarious guest, Marie Trohman. From her journey through the NYC art world to co-founding Los Angeles-based interior design firm PROEM in the midst of a global pandemic...and helping bring to life the stunning green kitchen that broke the internet this year (Seriously, Emma Chamberlain, can we come over for dinner?)

Marie talks self-care by way of 6AM workouts, the challenges of staying sane with a partner whose schedule is equally erratic, keeping a level-head in the midst of career highs and lows...and intentionally sabotaging Christmas by going too hard.

Also, giant spiders and a small development in Poe news!