Balanced Mind with Julie Potiker

Balanced Mind with Julie Potiker

Cozy Meditation for a Blustery Day

March 01, 2023

The cold winter snap has many of us staying inside trying to stay warm. Join Julie Potiker as she leads you in this guided meditation to help get you through these blustery days.

White-Eyes by Mary Oliver

In winter 

all the singing is in 

the tops of the trees 

where the wind-bird 

with its white eyes 

shoves and pushes 

among the branches. 

Like any of us 

he wants to go to sleep, 

but he's restless— 

he has an idea, 

and slowly it unfolds 

from under his beating wings 

as long as he stays awake. 

But his big, round music, after all, 

is too breathy to last. 

So, it's over. 

In the pine-crown 

he makes his nest, 

he's done all he can. 

I don't know the name of this bird, 

I only imagine his glittering beak 

tucked in a white wing 

while the clouds— 

which he has summoned 

from the north— 

which he has taught 

to be mild, and silent— 

thicken, and begin to fall 

into the world below 

like stars, or the feathers 

of some unimaginable bird 

that loves us, 

that is asleep now, and silent— 

that has turned itself 

into snow.

White-Eyes, by Mary Oliver

Find out more about using mindfulness in everyday life through Julie's books, "SNAP: From Calm to Chaos", and "Life Falls Apart, But You Don't have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos". Both are available on

Follow Julie on YouTube and Facebook at Mindful Methods for

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