What would be most helpful for you to hear right now. Is it hope, healing, peace? Julie Potiker guides you through this meditation and finishes with her poem, "Considering Poetry".
Considering Poetry, by Julie Potiker
No furrowing of brows
Nor squinting of ears
I like the message to ripple on clear fresh water
Perhaps a river stream
Flowing over stones smoothed by the ages
Perhaps more rhythmically
The pull of the moon
Stacking up the sea
As it breathes in and out
In and out
Never ending
Creating the sand
Drenching it with gifts
Enduring through time
-Julie Potiker
Find out more about using mindfulness in everyday life through Julie's books, "SNAP: From Calm to Chaos", and "Life Falls Apart, But You Don't have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos". Both are available on Amazon.com.
Follow Julie on YouTube and Facebook at Mindful Methods for Life.com
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