Balanced Mind with Julie Potiker

Balanced Mind with Julie Potiker

Guided Meditation - Goodness In and Out

September 04, 2024

In this guided meditation led by Julie Potiker you will focus on breathing goodness in - and out. She completes the meditation with the poem, "Holding the Light", by Stuart Kestenbaum 

Holding the Light, by Stuart Kestenbaum.

Gather up whatever is 

glittering in the gutter,

whatever has tumbled 

in the waves or fallen 

in flames out of the sky,

for it’s not only our

hearts that are broken, 

but the heart

of the world as well.

Stitch it back together. 

Make a place where

the day speaks to the night

and the earth speaks to the sky.

Whether we created God

or God created us

it all comes down to this:

In our imperfect world

we are meant to repair

and stitch together 

what beauty there is, stitch it 

with compassion and wire. 

See how everything 

we have made gathers 

the light inside itself

and overflows?

A blessing.

Find out more about using mindfulness in everyday life through Julie's books, "SNAP: From Calm to Chaos", and "Life Falls Apart, But You Don't have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos". Both are available on

Follow Julie on YouTube and Facebook at Mindful Methods for

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