Balanced Mind with Julie Potiker

Balanced Mind with Julie Potiker

Waves of Compassion Meditation

March 20, 2024

Tap into compassion, for yourself and others, through this guided meditation led by Julie Potiker. She completes the meditation with the poem, "Just for Now", by Danna Faulds.

"Just for Now", by Danna Faulds

Just for Now,

Without asking how, let yourself sink into stillness.

Just for now, lay down the weight

You so patiently bear upon your shoulders.

Feel the earth receive you,

And the infinite expanse of the sky grow even wider,

as your awareness reaches up to meet it.

Just for now,

Allow a wave of breath to enliven your experience.

Breathe out whatever blocks you from the truth.

Just for now,

Be boundless, free,

with awakened energy tingling in your hands and feet.

Drink in the possibility

Of being who and what you really are —

So fully alive that the world looks different,

Newly born and vibrant, just for now.

Find out more about using mindfulness in everyday life through Julie's books, "SNAP: From Calm to Chaos", and "Life Falls Apart, But You Don't have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos". Both are available on

Follow Julie on YouTube and Facebook at Mindful Methods for

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