Balanced Mind with Julie Potiker

Balanced Mind with Julie Potiker

Healing Breath - Perseid Star Party

September 11, 2023

In this guided meditation, led by Julie Potiker, you'll concentrate on using your breath's healing power - with the backdrop of the 2023 Perseid meteor shower.

Perseid Star Party, Julian, California 2023, by Julie Potiker

Am I in your way?

I can’t see her face in the inky darkness

No, it’s straight up in the sky

A zillion pin pricks of light

My spirit is huge, I say with a smile in my voice

No worries, the jacketed jellybean person replied, folded into her black canvas camping chair -

I can see right through it

How did she know my spirit is translucent?

Tower of Babel

I hear chips of Chinese, Spanish, English

Humans seeking the divine throughout space and time

Incredible telescopes - all different black chunks hooked up to gizmos

Red light doohickeys retrofitted for their cool kid village

Code understood by many

A community that does this - monthly or more…

Us, first timers fearlessly wading into the night sky

I think they’ll be asleep when the show gets frantic - if it does

I’ll be awake

My down jacket zipped up to my neck

Head tipped back in this camping chair to witness the meteors streaking through the dark sky

Seeking Awe.

-Perseid Star Party, Julian, California 2023, by Julie Potiker

Find out more about using mindfulness in everyday life through Julie's books, "SNAP: From Calm to Chaos", and "Life Falls Apart, But You Don't have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos". Both are available on

Follow Julie on YouTube and Facebook at Mindful Methods for

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