Magnet For Love

Magnet For Love

Latest Episodes

008 Melissa Fritchle - How to Get What You Want in Bed
November 03, 2015

How can we as women get better at asking for what we want during sex? What are the worse things women do when it comes to sex with men? What are men talking about in sex therapy? With the Ashley Madison scandal being so big in the news do you think...

007 Mali Apple & Joe Dunne - Keeping Love, Passion & Intimacy in your Relationship
October 30, 2015

If you ever wanted a relationship that offers you passion, intimacy, great sex and compelling attraction for your partner to be a part of your life every day, you must listen to the authors of the book "The Soulmate Experience" as they share with me...

006 Marni Battista - Get The Good Guy With An Edge, No More Badboys
October 27, 2015

Don’t want a badboy anymore, sick of how they treat you? Don’t want the boring guy either? Learn with Marni how to leave the badboy behind but still get the edgy guy who is good for you and you are actually attracted too. Marni shares her...

005 Stephen Nash - Is He Looking for Love or Is It Just a Fling?
October 23, 2015

Is he looking for love or is it just a fling? How can I as a woman know what his true intentions are with me? Stephen Nash has been on both sides of the fence, probably one of my favorite interviews to date. Stephen shares with us the golden nuggets...

004 Nancy Nicols - She Knows He's Bad For Her, But She Can’t Leave Him
October 20, 2015

Can’t get off the highs and lows, great sex but you know deep in your heart this man is not good for you? Nancy has walked in your shoes and shares with us why so many women cling to relationship that is just not good for them. She knows he's...

003 Andrea Lambert - From Dating Disaster to Happily Married, How?
October 08, 2015

Lack of self-esteem can lead to poor choices, bad relationships and a fear of moving forward. After a failed marriage, two beautiful boys and 15 years of dating Andrea is now happily married and deeply in love. Andrea shares with us the journey she...

002 Kimberly Resnick Anderson - What Stops a Woman from Having Great Sex?
September 23, 2015

What stops women from having great sex? Kimberly shares a compelling story of ladies journey from school to adult and how nasty comments made to this woman when she was a child about her breast really affect her relationship with men and being...

001 Lora Lucinda Andersen - Why I Decided to Have an Affair
September 23, 2015

It is true - we can’t help who we fall in love with, but what if you’ve fallen for a married man? I’ve never met a woman who was proud of being called a “mistress”, but that is exactly what happened to me. I was lonely in...
