Magnet For Love

Magnet For Love

Latest Episodes

028 Susan Winter - How To Tell If He is a Player
January 12, 2016

How can you tell when the guy is chatting you up, if he is a player or not? Do men pick certain women to play? Can men really spot the weakness in a woman? Susan shares some amazing insights about the actions of a man who is only looking for just...

027 Wendy Newman - How To Be A Great First Date
January 08, 2016

Why do my first dates always feel like an interview? What should I talk about on a first date? Why don’t men call when they say they are going to call? Where can I meet the guy for me, I have tried everything? Wendy Newman answers all the...

026 Kim Seltzer - How To Make A Lasting First Impression
January 05, 2016

Want to make a great first impression? Want to attract the “hot” guy? Want to appear confident in front of the guy you like? Kim Selzer is a makeover and confidence expert, therapist and dating coach. She helps women with what they wear so...

025 Bobbi Palmer - Does Success Get In The Way Of Love?
December 31, 2015

Bobbi was a very successful business woman - she had everything except the man in her already amazing life. Bobbi didn’t get married till she was 47. Bobbi shares with us how career driven women can get left behind when it comes to love. Why...

024 Michael Modzelewski – Dateless To Becoming Bachelor of the Month
December 29, 2015

While living dateless on a wilderness island in Alaska for years in isolation, studying the wildlife (no female companionship), Michael wrote my first book, INSIDE PASSAGE: LIVING WITH KILLER WHALES, BALD EAGLES AND KWAKIUTL INDIANS. Unknown to...

023 Carol Miller - Keeping Positive So You Can Find Love
December 24, 2015

Do you find it hard to stay positive when you feel like you can never meet the guy you want? Or you end up with the wrong guy again and you are wondering if you will ever find love? Carol Miller shares the importance of keeping positive in your...

022 Terra Bruns - Letting Go of Resentment
December 22, 2015

Whenever we feel we’ve been treated unfairly, judged or wronged by anyone it can cause us a lot of internal pain. Especially when it is someone close to us like our boyfriend or husband. How do we get over those hurtful and sharp digs? What if...

021 Matt Artisan - How Men Think
December 17, 2015

I ask Matt all the juicy questions we worry about with men. How long should a woman wait to have sex with a man? Do men devalue us if we sleep with him early? Men can spot the weakness in women tell me more about that? What are men looking for in...

020 Tori Ufondu - Living True To Who You Are
December 15, 2015

Do you feel like you don’t live exactly as you want to be? Crave to be true to who you really are? Want to live the love and life that truly represents you? Tori shares with us how to create, maintain and live an authentic life that is true to...

019 Leonardo Bustos - Understanding Men & Why They Do What They Do
December 11, 2015

Leonardo shares with us the reasons why men behave the way they do and to understand the different dynamics between men and women. Also the importance of body language, some tips you must do to let a man know you are interested in him. Also the...