Magnet For Love

Magnet For Love

024 Michael Modzelewski – Dateless To Becoming Bachelor of the Month

December 29, 2015

While living dateless on a wilderness island in Alaska for years in isolation, studying the wildlife (no female companionship), Michael wrote my first book, INSIDE PASSAGE: LIVING WITH KILLER WHALES, BALD EAGLES AND KWAKIUTL INDIANS. Unknown to himself, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the best-selling women's magazine in the world (in 100 countries; translated into 87 languages) chose him as one of their "Bachelors of The Month" and eventually "Man of The Year." At the same time, AlaskaMen Magazine made Michael their centerfold story. Michael went from famine-to-feast -- no dates in the Alaska wilderness to 5,000 letters from women around the world. Michael ended up dating many women and that is how he met his now wife. It is every man's fantasy with a happy ending or so Michael says. To find out more about Michael or I go to, helping you succeed in love.