Bad Boss Survival Guide

Episode 1: A Bad Boss on Their Way to Becoming a Good Boss?
You’ve got a bad boss.
You go to work expecting your boss to say or do something that is bound
to fire you up. It’s seems that they
take some sort of joy in making you miserable.
You’ve got a Bad Boss! But hang
on a minute.
I believe that people are good in nature. Sure there are horrible people in the world
but chances are your bad boss isn’t also a Horrible person. They’re just horrible at being a boss.
You’ve got some choices to make in a situation. You can quit your job of course, that’s the
choice of money. We know that people
leave bosses not jobs. But lets just say
for discussion sake that you can’t quit your job. You love the work you do, you’re close with
the people you work with and the money is good.
In this case you can continue to seethe or you can do something about
Many of the problems we experience in life are the result of
the perspective we choose. You mind is
probably wild with all the way your boss is conspiring to make you’re life
miserable. You choose to think of your
boss as doing things to work against you but that may not be the case.
When I was a Bad Boss, I’m certain that I created a feeling
of dread in the people that work for me.
I would bet that some of them felt intentionally targeted, as if they
were the center of my attention and focus.
The truth is I wasn’t being malicious or intentionally bad. Yes, I was a Bad Boss but my Bad Bossery
stemmed from Ignorance rather than ill intent.
I also had zero confidence but remedied this with an effective
overcompensating toughness……sigh…Stupid.
Bad Bosses don’t understand Leadership as a Verb so they
cling to what they know and what they think they should know. That’s why they micromanage you, (after all
they can do the job better than you right? ……….Face Palm) and think that they
have all the right answers to everything.
I remember my first annual review after my first year as a
Bad Boss. I walked into the review
confident that I was going to nail it. I
thought I was doing a great job. The
staff in my department were always quietly working and weren’t having
problems. I had to work through some HR
issues with some employees that resulted in some people being fired. I honestly thought I was doing a great job
during my first year, but that confidence would quickly change.
My boss, who was a very good boss, sat across from me and handed me my annual review. I remember reading the words that sent my heart and stomach into the back of my throat.
Michael Pawlak does not meet expectations.
I was mortified! And
then my Good Boss slowly slid a piece of paper towards me and said “I think you
should see this.”
It was a list of comments that my staff provided him about my role as the Boss and how they thought I was doing. I remember one in particular,
When Michael walks by all conversation stops and all good energy leaves the room.
Now I knew that people that worked in my department didn’t
like the way I was doing things but these comments were against my character,
against me as a person! I learned that
day that if you’re not good to people, even though your “just doing your job”,
conclusions will be made about your nature and character.