COSMIC CEO | marketing, branding, mindset, & business

COSMIC CEO | marketing, branding, mindset, & business

Latest Episodes

#158. 6 GRAMS OF MAGIC MUSHROOMS: All the details on my life-changing accidental journey.
February 04, 2024

TW: Suicide, Death The amount of accidental trips I have is concerning lol. In this weeks episode I share all about my most deep mushroom journey to date, dying, and finding an innate will to liv

#157. I OFFICIALLY DGAF!! (Otherwise she’s back, she’s quantum leaped, she’s doing everything she’s always wanted to do.)
January 25, 2024

Happy new year! Can I still say that 25 days in? 2024 just feels different for me and Im soooo here for it. Sharing about what Im up to, personality quizzes and how to use them in your brand, loosen

#156. DISRUPTION AS A MARKETING TOOL: Waking your audience up by doing things exactly as you want to.
December 17, 2023

Breaking down the idea that Instagram pushes negative content, what to do if it feels like your audience is sleeping, and a tough love talk on showing up online. Click here to listen to Exponential

#155. YOUR MESS IS MAGIC: You’re not being reckless, you’re actually just getting things done.
November 22, 2023

A series of pep talks Ive been giving myself with the craziness of Black Friday. Maybe you need to hear them too?? LOVE YOU MEAN IT. DOWNLOAD THE GIFT GUIDE HERE.

#154. TIPS FOR BLACK FRIDAY MARKETING [BONUS EPISODE]: Holiday weekend sales strategies and how to make your online event feel like the best party in the world.
November 02, 2023

This is an excerpt from Million Dollar Brand Academy. A little bonus episode to get you excited for Black Friday weekend. Crazy that were already talking about that?? November snuck up on us.

#153. MYSTERY SCHOOL RECAP: Redefining my relationship with my business, playing with choice, and leaning into commitment.
November 01, 2023

Last week I went to London for a Mystery School intensive hosted by Jaliessa Sipress and Leila Sadaghee. Essentially we were studying and experimenting with energy as well as getting clear on our purp

#152. SAY IT WITH YOUR CHEST: Owning your not-so-weird truths. (Or maybe they’re weird, but that’s not our problem.)
October 18, 2023

A little late night catch up on whats going on in my life right now. Open root center late night productivity sessions. Owning the tool that has changed my life. Owning what I love. ETC.

#150. THE OTHER SECRET TO MANIFESTING: Making the big truths feel simple again.
September 14, 2023

Also talking about what to do about the recession, how I healed my gut issues, and a deeper peek into my Swiftie mind. PSYCH-K SLC WORKSHOP LINK INSTAGRAM WORLD LINK

#149. FOR WHEN “EASE” ISN’T EASY: My strategy for “hard” times and productivity.
September 07, 2023

What to do when ease feels impossible. How to shift from how will I ever get this done to this will be easy. My weird procrastitivity technique (dont knock it till you try it!) FREE INSTAGRAM