Backyard News, Brew, and Barbecue

Backyard News, Brew, and Barbecue

Latest Episodes

T-Rex fishing story, T-Rex picks the Oreos to win MLB
August 30, 2019

Goony Goo Goo, Bad News, T-Rex make bold predictions for MLB and NCAA Football BCS Finalist

Magic the Gathering
August 16, 2019

Baskin Robins 32nd Flavor

Guthrie golf experience
April 04, 2019

Garlic jalapeño roasted crickets

#4 Podcast - Jaron Bell
March 23, 2019

Bad News Birthday

#3 Bruce Webber Dumpster Fire
March 18, 2019

Bruce Webber and his dumpster fire

Goony Goo Goo
March 18, 2019

Goony Goo Goo

Backyard News, Brews, and Barbecue
February 20, 2019

Mountain Lion Story